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FastMag Template Blog Cocok Untuk Penulis dan Wartawan

FastMag adalah template responsif ringan bagi para penulis, wartawan dan fotografer. 

Template ini memiliki fitur yang signifikan yang diperlukan untuk sebuah blog berbasis majalah.

Tata letak template ini diadaptasi dari WordPress sehingga Anda akan melihat sekilas platform itu juga.

TEMPLATEISM, spesialis desain template blog SEO Friendly & Responsive gaya majalah/berita, berbagi template terbaru 2015.

"FastMag is a lightweight responsive blogger template for writers, journalists and photographers," kata desainernya. Fast Mag didesain untuk penulis, wartawan, dan fotografer.
Features of Fast Mag Responsive Blogger Template: 

  1. 100% Pure Responsive: Just like our previously released template Social Mag, this template is also responsive which indicated that your website looks great on smartphones and tablet as good as they look on desktop devices.
  2. Featured Post Area: We have added a efficient featured post area in this template that allows you to display specific posts on homepage. This gives you more authority over your blog design.
  3. SEO Optimized: It is becoming our standard, it is must to optimize the template for search engines. Therefore, this template is highly optimized to work great and help you to rank better in search engine
  4. More Features: 1 Sidebars, Right Sidebar, Ads Friendly, SEO Optimized, 3 column footer, multi drop-down menu, brownish color scheme and much more

Bagaimana Anda Tertarik Untuk menggunakan Template Ini silahkan Download,,,,, Freeee alias Geratis

                                                      Demo Download

Posted by Irwantea Sosial
Irwantea Sosial Updated at: Rabu, April 22, 2015
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